
The Assembly of the Chamber works from all private bailiffs and deputies of private bailiffs registered in the Ministry of Registry. 

The Assembly of the Chamber is competent for: 

  • Issuance of the statute of the Chamber, rules of procedure of private bailiffs and other general acts of the Chamber;  
  • Selection of members of the Executive Board and other members of the Chamber;  
  • Decide for the very free of its members and its liberty; 
  • Decides on government issues with this law and the statute of the Chamber. 

Meeting of the Assembly of the Chamber 

The regular assembly holds them once a year, during the first three months of each calendar year. 

The Assembly may also hold convened meetings as needed. Meetings can all be called by: 

  • Initiative of the President of the Chamber;  
  • Decision of the Executive Board of the Chamber;  
  • Request of 1/3 (one third) of the members of the Chamber; 

The meeting of the Assembly is prepared by the Executive Board of the Chamber, making a written notice to all members of the Chamber regarding the time, place and agenda of the Assembly, held 2 (two) weeks in advance. 

Members of the Chamber must attend meetings of the Assembly in person. 

Participation in the Assembly is mandatory, in case of membership, members are obliged to submit the justification of their photographs in writing to the Presidents of the Assembly. 

Guests may also be present at the Assembly meeting. 

The Assembly opens and directs it to the President of the Chamber in the capacity of the Chairpersons of the Assembly or to its meeting of the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, while on other days, by the oldest member of the Assembly. 

The members of the Assembly themselves cover their house in the Assembly. 

Minutes are kept for all meetings of the Assembly, which are written by the Chairperson of the Assembly and by the process which is appointed by the Chairperson of the Assembly. Decisions are reasoned in the minutes only if the Assembly considers it to do so. At the request of the members of the Chamber holding a dissenting opinion regarding a decision adopted by the Assembly, the content of the dissenting opinion shall be recorded in the minutes. 

The minutes of the Assembly to be sent to all members of the Chamber and the Ministry of Justice. 

Approval of the decisions of the Assembly 

A quorum assembly is required if 2/3 (two thirds) of the total number of members of the Chamber are in the Assembly. 

Decisions of the Assembly to be approved by their voting family. 

In case of the same number of votes for and against the links with the decisions of the Assembly, those decisions are considered approved, in case of elections for the bodies of the Chamber. 

The member of the Chamber will vote in case the question of what he will do decides to do with me, in the body not in the case of elections in a part of the Chamber. 

Decisions of the Assembly as regulated by public voting, approval of the vote for the election of all bodies of the Chamber or at the request of the same ¼ (one quarter) of the members of the Assembly.