Executive Board

Executive Board of the Chamber of Private Bailiffs before 7 members. It is chaired by the Chairman of the Board, and in his / her absence by the Deputy. chairman. 

The members of the Executive Board of the Chamber of Private Bailiffs are: 

  1.     Arben Gashi – Chairman 
  1.     Destan Bujupaj – Member 
  1.     Kushtrim Musa – Member 
  1.     Rushit Hoxha – Member, 
  1.     Sheremet Livoreka – Member 
  1.     Zija Bala – Member, and 
  1.      Arsim Bajraktari – Member, 

The Executive Board has the competencies to: 

  •     Elected Chairman of the Executive Board from among its members; 
  •     Proposing the drafting of the statute and other general acts of the Chamber; 
  •     Prepares the sessions of the Assembly of the Chamber and implements the decisions of the      Assembly of the Chamber; 
  •     Takes care of the Chamber’s business; 
  •     Decides on other issues in accordance with the law and the statute of the Chamber. 

Each year the Board compiles a report on the activities of the Assembly of the Chamber. This report shall be forwarded to the Minister no later than March 31 of each year. 

Each year it Rolls out its financing policy and budget for the next financial year with explanatory notes and sends these documents to the Assembly for approval. 

Composition of the Executive Board 

The Executive Board some from a number to at least more (7) members  

Composition of the board as much as possible to reflect the proportion within the assembly between private bailiffs and private deputies.  

The chairperson and his deputy must all be private bailiffs. 

Members are appointed for a term of three (3) years and after resignation have the right to reappoint once again for a period.