
Our vision is for Kosovo's judgement enforcement to serve as a leading example in the region and Europe of effetive governance in judgment enforcement contributing to better rule of law and access to justice. In this respect, the Chamber of Private Enforcement Agents is crucial actor in the Kosovo justice system and the judiciary, as well as the professionalism of the private enforcement agents and the quality of justice, while ensuring protection of the public's interest


Our Mission is to develop and manage the enforcement profession so that it is viewed as credible, trustworthy, and providing a valuable public service

Enforcement Authorization

According to the law on enforcement procedure, the private bailiff in the group and the execution of the enforcement procedure has these authorizations

Request for certification

Considering the nature of the enforcement procedure, it may often happen that the parties need to prove before other institutions that they are not parties to the Enforcement Procedure, ie to present evidence that their businesses or those as individuals have no obligations, respectively no are as debtors in enforcement proceedings. For this reason, the parties can turn to the Chamber of Private Bailiffs to obtain such certificates, precisely because all cases under the PPL are already executed by Private Bailiffs, except for cases related to the return of workers to work and family ones.

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Complaint Form

The activities of Private Bailiffs are regulated by law so they are restricted from strictly adhering to legal provisions. Given the nature of the enforcement proceedings, the grievances of debtors and other parties to the Bailiffs, it may often be that they file complaints against the actions and conduct of the Bailiffs. The Chamber handles all these complaints carefully and appropriately, by providing appropriate clarifications to the party who filed the complaint with the Chamber regarding certain actions of the Private Bailiffs.

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Law enforcement contract

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Support to the Free Legal Professions and the Chamber of Advocates

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Ministry of Justice

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Central Bank of Kosovo

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Kosovo Bar Association


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Kosovo Chamber of Notaries

Memorandums of cooperation

For justice

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